Solutions Group International

"The safest place to be is by our side"

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Service Divisions - Threat Matrix & Vulnerability Assessments

Threat Matrix & Vulnerability Assessments

“The first step in Risk management is to acknowledge the reality of risk. Denial substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning.”

- Charles Tremper, PhD

Homeland Security has emerged as an unprecedented concern. The United States of America is engaged in a war against terrorists who want to attack Americans at home, and the nation must take immediate action to correct its greatest vulnerabilities.

Unfortunately, some institutions and organizations have failed to demonstrate sufficient urgency, focus and attention in safeguarding against the heightened risk facing the entire nation. This threat is not restricted to high-profile cities such as New York, Washington D.C., or Los Angeles; in fact, tighter security measures in these urban centers may convince the enemy to seek softer targets in less prepared areas of the country.

SGI understands the threats facing today's businesses. We can help minimize your risks by finding and assessing your infrastructure vulnerabilities and recommending solutions that will ensure the security and continuity of your business and assets. SGI can provide an extensive in-depth evaluation of your facilities and collateral assets by performing a detailed risk-assessment based on current threat levels, legal guidelines, imposed mandates, and your business requirements.

Additionally, we will employ proven methods and solutions for enhancing security and managing your risks by:

  • Conducting Threat and Vulnerability Assessments
  • Designing Facility Security Plans
  • Assisting in Security Plan Implementation
  • Provide Comprehensive Written Reports of Assessment Findings
  • Prepare Security Briefs (Based on Current Threat Levels and Intelligence)
  • Training and Integration of Specialized Security Officers
  • Training and Integration of Specialized Security Teams
  • Training Personnel in Security Measures and Compliance Guidelines
  • Conducting Security Effectiveness Exercises

SGI is currently providing several of these services to the Maritime Industry (Ports, Port Facilities, Vessel Owners, and Vessel Operators). We are working closely with the USCG, DHS, and TSA in order to assist Maritime organizations in meeting the federal mandates and deadlines required under the Maritime Transportation and Security Act (MTSA) of 2003.

Specialized Security Services:

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1635 Spruce St
Riverside, CA. 92507, USA
Corporate Office: 951.405.7374
Toll Free: (877) 844-8744

Private Patrol Operator - PPO#15796
Training TFF - 1592
P.I. - 23841